Icon & content centred
  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 200

Desired columns number: 3

Benefits layout: Image, title & content centered

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 62

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Accent

Icon size (in px): 28

Icons color: Accent

Icons hover color: Custom, #ffffff

Decorative lines: Accent

Title font size: H5

Content font size: Medium

Number of benefits to show: 6

Open link in: Same window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: rotateIn

Animate: At the same time

  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.

Gautelacus et vulputate irure dolor elit sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna lorem nulla amet.

Integer vitae ante vitae mauris ipsum amos nulla massa sed pulvinar metus sed lorem ipsum vulputate turpis.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 160

Desired columns number: 4

Benefits layout: Image, title & content centered

Icons backgrounds: Hide

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 38

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Light

Icon size (in px): 36

Icons color: Light

Icons hover color: Accent

Decorative lines: Light

Title font size: H6

Content font size: Small

Number of benefits to show: 8

Open link in: Same window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: fadeInDown

Animate: One-by-One

  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 200

Desired columns number: 3

Benefits layout: Image, title & content centered

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Default

Background size (in px): 54

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Custom color, #34beec

Icon size (in px): 28

Icons color: Custom color, #34beec

Icons hover color: Custom color, #ffffff

Decorative lines: Disabled

Title font size: H5

Content font size: Medium

Number of benefits to show: 6

Open link in: New window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: bounceIn

Animate: At the same time

Icon & title inline
  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 3

Benefits layout: Image, & title inline

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 36

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Accent

Icon size (in px): 20

Icons color: Light

Icons hover color: Custom color, #ffffff

Decorative lines: Light

Title font size: H6

Content font size: Small

Number of benefits to show: 6

Open link in: New window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: none

Animate: At the same time

  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 2

Benefits layout: Image, & title inline

Icons backgrounds: Hide

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 28

Backgrounds color: Accent

Backgrounds hover color: Accent

Icon size (in px): 24

Icons color: Accent

Icons hover color: Accent

Decorative lines: Disabled

Title font size: H5

Content font size: Large

Number of benefits to show: 4

Open link in: New window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: fadeIn

Animate: At the same time

  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 3

Benefits layout: Image, & title inline

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Default

Background size (in px): 32

Backgrounds color: Custom color, #e62a5a

Backgrounds hover color: Light

Icon size (in px): 18

Icons color: Custom color, #ffffff

Icons hover color: Custom color, #e62a5a

Decorative lines: Disabled

Title font size: H5

Content font size: Medium

Number of benefits to show: 6

Open link in: New window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: rubberBand

Animate: At the same time

Icon on the left

Professional Output

  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭

Our Service

  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印

Our Gallery

  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌

Layout Builder

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 2

Benefits layout: Image on the left

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Default

Background size (in px): 50

Backgrounds color: Accent

Backgrounds hover color: Light

Icon size (in px): 26

Icons color: Custom color, #ffffff

Icons hover color: Accent

Decorative lines: Disabled

Title font size: H4

Content font size: Large

Number of benefits to show: 4

Open link in: Same window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: zoomIn

Animate: At the same time

Professional Output
  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
Our Service
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
Our Gallery
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌
Layout Builder

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.

Friendly Support

Glavrida lacus et vulputate amos agilos for aute irure dolor elit, sed do tempor ut labore et dolore lorem nulla.

SEO Optimized

Amet null vitae ante vitae lorem ipsum turpis aliquam dolor id metus sed lorem lacus et vulputate pellen.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 3

Benefits layout: Image on the left

Icons backgrounds: Hide

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 38

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Light

Icon size (in px): 30

Icons color: Light

Icons hover color: Accent

Decorative lines: Light

Title font size: H6

Content font size: Small

Number of benefits to show: 6

Open link in: Same window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: fadeInUp

Animate: At the same time

Professional Output
  •  厚咭薄紙 , 種類超過30款
  •  光/啞面/透明/磨砂貼紙
  •  80 ~ 320gsm 白紙 / 白咭
  •  各類花紋紙 / 咭
  •  珍珠 , 剛古紙 / 咭
Our Service
  •  一小時特快咭片
  •  A1、A2 即取海報
  •  特快小冊子印製
  •  特快彩色打印
  •  特快黑白打印
Our Gallery
  •  小冊子
  •  餐牌
  •  宣傳單張
  •  產品型錄
  •  同人誌
Layout Builder

Sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir metus sed.


VC Element: “Benefits”

Column minimum width (px): 240

Desired columns number: 2

Benefits layout: Image on the left

Icons backgrounds: Show

Border radius for image backgrounds: Custom

Border radius (in px): 100

Background size (in px): 44

Backgrounds color: Light

Backgrounds hover color: Custom color, #97dd34

Icon size (in px): 24

Icons color: Custom color, #97dd34

Icons hover color: Custom color, #ffffff

Decorative lines: Disabled

Title font size: H5

Content font size: Medium

Number of benefits to show: 4

Open link in: New window

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Animation: rotateIn

Animate: At the same time